Physical Review E – October 1995
Volume 52, Issue 4


General methods of statistical physics

Aperiodic stochastic resonance in excitable systems
J. J. Collins, Carson C. Chow, and Thomas T. Imhoff
pp. R3321-R3324 [View Page Images or PDF (711 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Scaling behavior of response times of electrorheological suspensions with cation exchange resin particles
Katsufumi Tanaka, Akihiro Sahashi, Ryuichi Akiyama, and Kiyohito Koyama
pp. R3325-R3328 [View Page Images or PDF (739 kB)]
Influence of an impenetrable interface on a polymer glass-transition temperature
W. E. Wallace, J. H. van Zanten, and W. L. Wu
pp. R3329-R3332 [View Page Images or PDF (631 kB)]
Grain growth from homogeneous initial conditions: Anomalous grain growth and special scaling states
Yi Jiang, José C. M. Mombach, and James A. Glazier
pp. R3333-R3336 [View Page Images or PDF (691 kB)]

Computational physics

Numerical results for the ground-state interface in a random medium
A. Alan Middleton
pp. R3337-R3340 [View Page Images or PDF (691 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Experimental control of a chaotic pendulum with unknown dynamics using delay coordinates
Robert Jan de Korte, Jaap C. Schouten, and Cor M. van den Bleek
pp. 3358-3365 [View Page Images or PDF (1,433 kB)]
Solution moment stability in stochastic differential delay equations
Michael C. Mackey and Irina G. Nechaeva
pp. 3366-3376 [View Page Images or PDF (1,791 kB)]
Systematic adiabatic analysis of a nonlinear oscillator with inertia driven by colored noise
Michelle M. Wu, K. Y. R. Billah, and Masanobu Shinozuka
pp. 3377-3380 [View Page Images or PDF (547 kB)]
One-dimensional quantum random walk for fermions and bosons
Salvador Godoy and Francisco Espinosa
pp. 3381-3389 [View Page Images or PDF (1,181 kB)]
Stochastic dynamics of gravity in one dimension
Kenneth R. Yawn, Bruce N. Miller, and Willard Maier
pp. 3390-3401 [View Page Images or PDF (1,871 kB)]
Interface roughening in systems with quenched disorder
Zeev Olami, Itamar Procaccia, and Reuven Zeitak
pp. 3402-3414 [View Page Images or PDF (2,320 kB)]
Conditions for synchronization in Josephson-junction arrays
A. A. Chernikov and G. Schmidt
pp. 3415-3419 [View Page Images or PDF (491 kB)]
Statistics for mathematical properties of maps between time series embeddings
Louis M. Pecora, Thomas L. Carroll, and James F. Heagy
pp. 3420-3439 [View Page Images or PDF (3,613 kB)]
Ergodic property of a Henon-Heiles model with reflecting walls
Zhigang Zheng, Gang Hu, and Juyuan Zhang
pp. 3440-3446 [View Page Images or PDF (897 kB)]
Lack of universality in two-dimensional multicomponent spreading phenomena
N. Vandewalle and M. Ausloos
pp. 3447-3454 [View Page Images or PDF (1,687 kB)]
Kinetics of catalytic reactions with diffusional relaxation
P. L. Krapivsky
pp. 3455-3461 [View Page Images or PDF (1,198 kB)]
Theory of the absorption probability density of diffusing particles in the presence of a dynamic trap
Manuel O. Cáceres, Carlos E. Budde, and Miguel A. Ré
pp. 3462-3468 [View Page Images or PDF (922 kB)]
Lack of self-averaging in critical disordered systems
Shai Wiseman and Eytan Domany
pp. 3469-3484 [View Page Images or PDF (2,775 kB)]
Optimal finite-time endoreversible processes
W. Spirkl and H. Ries
pp. 3485-3489 [View Page Images or PDF (658 kB)]
Equations of state of a dilute gas under a heat flux
J. Camacho and D. Jou
pp. 3490-3494 [View Page Images or PDF (939 kB)]
Heat generation required by information erasure
Kousuke Shizume
pp. 3495-3499 [View Page Images or PDF (837 kB)]
Dynamic multiscaling of the reaction-diffusion front for mA+nB→0
Stephen Cornell, Zbigniew Koza, and Michel Droz
pp. 3500-3505 [View Page Images or PDF (1,028 kB)]
Bifurcations and pattern formation in a two-dimensional Navier-Stokes fluid
F. Feudel and N. Seehafer
pp. 3506-3511 [View Page Images or PDF (1,058 kB)]
Bethe ansatz solution for crossover scaling functions of the asymmetric XXZ chain and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang-type growth model
Doochul Kim
pp. 3512-3524 [View Page Images or PDF (1,801 kB)]
Chaotic scattering theory, thermodynamic formalism, and transport coefficients
P. Gaspard and J. R. Dorfman
pp. 3525-3552 [View Page Images or PDF (4,898 kB)]
Multiparameter control of chaos
Ernest Barreto and Celso Grebogi
pp. 3553-3557 [View Page Images or PDF (754 kB)]
Suppression and creation of chaos in a periodically forced Lorenz system
Matthias Franz and Minghua Zhang
pp. 3558-3565 [View Page Images or PDF (1,359 kB)]
Block-analyzing method in cellular automata
Bo Feng and Meng Ding
pp. 3566-3569 [View Page Images or PDF (609 kB)]
Role of percolation in diffusion on random lattices
Andreas Hörner, Andrey Milchev, and Panos Argyrakis
pp. 3570-3576 [View Page Images or PDF (1,051 kB)]
Evolution of randomly perturbed Korteweg–de Vries solitons
F. Kh. Abdullaev, S. A. Darmanyan, M. R. Djumaev, A. J. Majid, and M. P. Sørensen
pp. 3577-3583 [View Page Images or PDF (1,008 kB)]
Structure of variational principles in nonequilibrium thermodynamics
Péter Ván and Wolfgang Muschik
pp. 3584-3590 [View Page Images or PDF (1,234 kB)]
Resonant islands without separatrix chaos
G. Corso and F. B. Rizzato
pp. 3591-3595 [View Page Images or PDF (887 kB)]
Cooperative effects in the nonlinearly driven spin-boson system
Milena Grifoni, Maura Sassetti, Peter Hänggi, and Ulrich Weiss
pp. 3596-3607 [View Page Images or PDF (1,945 kB)]
Coin tossing as a billiard problem
N. L. Balazs, Rupak Chatterjee, and A. D. Jackson
pp. 3608-3613 [View Page Images or PDF (1,102 kB)]
Analog simulation of stochastic systems in a metastable piecewise quasilinear potential driven by band-limited white noise
Shigeo Hayashi
pp. 3614-3622 [View Page Images or PDF (1,260 kB)]
Dependence of the diffusion coefficient on the energy distribution of random barriers
Panos Argyrakis, Andrey Milchev, Victor Pereyra, and Klaus W. Kehr
pp. 3623-3631 [View Page Images or PDF (1,389 kB)]
Pressure of the hard-sphere solid
C. F. Tejero, M. S. Ripoll, and A. Pérez
pp. 3632-3636 [View Page Images or PDF (758 kB)]
Dissipation in quantum physics
Michael Danos
pp. 3637-3644 [View Page Images or PDF (1,605 kB)]

Classical fluids

Breathing and wiggling motions in three-species laterally inhibitory systems
Mami Suzuki, Takao Ohta, Masayasu Mimura, and Hideo Sakaguchi
pp. 3645-3655 [View Page Images or PDF (1,645 kB)]
Scaling and intermittency in Burgers turbulence
J. P. Bouchaud, M. Mézard, and G. Parisi
pp. 3656-3674 [View Page Images or PDF (3,112 kB)]
Formation of wrinkles in outwardly propagating flames
M. Rahibe, N. Aubry, G. I. Sivashinsky, and R. Lima
pp. 3675-3686 [View Page Images or PDF (1,573 kB)]
Effect of a shear flow on the planform of thermal convection in a fluid of variable viscosity
Philip Hall and Robert E. Kelly
pp. 3687-3696 [View Page Images or PDF (3,275 kB)]
Small Froude number asymptotics in two-dimensional two-phase flows
Manfred F. Göz
pp. 3697-3710 [View Page Images or PDF (2,135 kB)]
Coupled Burgers equations: A model of polydispersive sedimentation
Sergei E. Esipov
pp. 3711-3718 [View Page Images or PDF (1,478 kB)]
Scaling properties of numerical two-dimensional turbulence
A. Babiano, B. Dubrulle, and P. Frick
pp. 3719-3729 [View Page Images or PDF (1,634 kB)]
Calculation of effective interaction potentials from radial distribution functions: A reverse Monte Carlo approach
Alexander P. Lyubartsev and Aatto Laaksonen
pp. 3730-3737 [View Page Images or PDF (1,470 kB)]
Multicomponent turbulence, the spherical limit, and non-Kolmogorov spectra
Chung-Yu Mou and Peter B. Weichman
pp. 3738-3796 [View Page Images or PDF (9,829 kB)]
Nonequilibrium effects in model reactive systems: The role of species temperatures
Duncan G. Napier and Bernie D. Shizgal
pp. 3797-3811 [View Page Images or PDF (2,339 kB)]
Transport properties in a binary mixture under shear flow
C. Marín, V. Garzó, and A. Santos
pp. 3812-3820 [View Page Images or PDF (1,209 kB)]
Domain growth in computer simulations of segregating two-dimensional binary fluids
S. Bastea and J. L. Lebowitz
pp. 3821-3826 [View Page Images or PDF (929 kB)]
Non-Gaussian probability distribution of a velocity field in uniform straining-flow turbulence
M. Takaoka
pp. 3827-3834 [View Page Images or PDF (1,201 kB)]
Renormalization for reaction-front propagation in a fully developed turbulent shear flow
Sergei P. Fedotov
pp. 3835-3839 [View Page Images or PDF (643 kB)]
Exact resummations in the theory of hydrodynamic turbulence. I. The ball of locality and normal scaling
Victor L’vov and Itamar Procaccia
pp. 3840-3857 [View Page Images or PDF (3,183 kB)]
See Also: See Also
Exact resummations in the theory of hydrodynamic turbulence. II. A ladder to anomalous scaling
Victor L’vov and Itamar Procaccia
pp. 3858-3875 [View Page Images or PDF (2,968 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Orientational wetting layer of semiflexible polymers near a hard wall
Zheng Yu Chen and Shi-Min Cui
pp. 3876-3880 [View Page Images or PDF (718 kB)]
Smectic-A and smectic-A2 phases in aligned cylinders with a cylindrical attractive square well at one end
Richard P. Sear and George Jackson
pp. 3881-3891 [View Page Images or PDF (1,668 kB)]
Phase-excitation spectrum of ferroelectric liquid crystals in an external static electric field
B. Kutnjak-Urbanc and B. Žekš
pp. 3892-3903 [View Page Images or PDF (2,043 kB)]
Computer simulation of domain growth in ferroelectric liquid crystals
Joseph E. Maclennan, Qi Jiang, and Noel A. Clark
pp. 3904-3914 [View Page Images or PDF (2,235 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Effects of grafting geometry and solvent quality on the structure of bimodal polymer brushes
Hao Chen and Amitabha Chakrabarti
pp. 3915-3922 [View Page Images or PDF (1,281 kB)]
Supersaturated electrolyte solutions: Theory and experiment
Alexander F. Izmailov, Allan S. Myerson, and Han-Soo Na
pp. 3923-3935 [View Page Images or PDF (2,202 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Transient grating in a ferrofluid under magnetic field: Effect of magnetic interactions on the diffusion coefficient of translation
J.-C. Bacri, A. Cebers, A. Bourdon, G. Demouchy, B. M. Heegaard, B. Kashevsky, and R. Perzynski
pp. 3936-3942 [View Page Images or PDF (1,207 kB)]
Conformation-space renormalization of randomly branched polymers
Shi-Min Cui and Zheng Yu Chen
pp. 3943-3955 [View Page Images or PDF (1,695 kB)]
Second approximation coefficient for the binary distribution function of ions for the primitive model of an electrolyte solution
Nagat Abdel-Rahman Hussein and Abdel-Nasser Abdel-Maugood Osman
pp. 3956-3966 [View Page Images or PDF (1,287 kB)]
Flow of simple liquids down narrow ssV grooves
J. A. Mann, Jr., L. Romero, R. R. Rye, and F. G. Yost
pp. 3967-3972 [View Page Images or PDF (969 kB)]
Dirac chains in the presence of hairpins
Arkady L. Kholodenko and Thomas A. Vilgis
pp. 3973-3988 [View Page Images or PDF (2,752 kB)]
Sponge-lamellar instability of fluctuating membranes
P. Pieruschka
pp. 3989-3996 [View Page Images or PDF (1,418 kB)]
Shear flow in the infinite-shear-rate limit
István Borzsák and András Baranyai
pp. 3997-4008 [View Page Images or PDF (2,555 kB)]
Shear-induced phase separation of complex fluids: The role of flow-concentration coupling
Véronique Schmitt, Carlos M. Marques, and François Lequeux
pp. 4009-4015 [View Page Images or PDF (1,162 kB)]
Glass transition in confined geometry
T. Fehr and H. Löwen
pp. 4016-4025 [View Page Images or PDF (1,653 kB)]
Fast dynamics of glass-forming glycerol
J. Wuttke, W. Petry, G. Coddens, and F. Fujara
pp. 4026-4034 [View Page Images or PDF (1,680 kB)]
See Also: Comment Reply
Brownian motion of colloidal particles in a model porous medium
G. Viramontes-Gamboa, M. Medina-Noyola, and J. L. Arauz-Lara
pp. 4035-4044 [View Page Images or PDF (1,761 kB)]
Phase diagrams of nearly-hard-sphere binary colloids
A. D. Dinsmore, A. G. Yodh, and D. J. Pine
pp. 4045-4057 [View Page Images or PDF (2,720 kB)]
Orientational dependence of the interfacial tension in the adhesive-sphere system
D. W. M. Marr and A. P. Gast
pp. 4058-4062 [View Page Images or PDF (949 kB)]
Steady states for viscous fingers with anisotropic surface tension
Eugenia Corvera, Hong Guo, and David Jasnow
pp. 4063-4067 [View Page Images or PDF (879 kB)]
Irreversible diffusion-limited cluster aggregation: The behavior of the scattered intensity
Francesco Sciortino, Andrea Belloni, and Piero Tartaglia
pp. 4068-4079 [View Page Images or PDF (2,258 kB)]
Singularities and avalanches in interface growth with quenched disorder
Hernán A. Makse
pp. 4080-4086 [View Page Images or PDF (1,293 kB)]
Scaling properties of driven interfaces in disordered media
Luís A. Nunes Amaral, Albert-László Barabási, Hernán A. Makse, and H. Eugene Stanley
pp. 4087-4104 [View Page Images or PDF (3,032 kB)]
Crack instabilities of a heated glass strip
Mokhtar Adda-Bedia and Yves Pomeau
pp. 4105-4113 [View Page Images or PDF (1,335 kB)]
Inhomogeneous fluid membranes: Segregation, ordering, and effective rigidity
Roland R. Netz and P. Pincus
pp. 4114-4128 [View Page Images or PDF (2,501 kB)]
Critical adsorption in the undersaturated regime
Niraj S. Desai, Sarah Peach, and Carl Franck
pp. 4129-4133 [View Page Images or PDF (1,048 kB)]
Testing mode-coupling theory for a supercooled binary Lennard-Jones mixture. II. Intermediate scattering function and dynamic susceptibility
Walter Kob and Hans C. Andersen
pp. 4134-4153 [View Page Images or PDF (3,958 kB)]
Brownian dynamics simulation of dense binary colloidal mixtures. I. Structural evolution and dynamics
Subrata Sanyal and Ajay K. Sood
pp. 4154-4167 [View Page Images or PDF (2,346 kB)]
See Also: See Also
Brownian dynamics simulation of dense binary colloidal mixtures. II. Translational and bond-orientational order
Subrata Sanyal and Ajay K. Sood
pp. 4168-4178 [View Page Images or PDF (1,947 kB)]

Biological physics

Nonlinear dc electrical response in a bilayer lipid membrane: Effect of bathing solutions
R. Basu, S. De, S. Nayar, S. Das, A. K. Ghosh, and P. Nandy
pp. 4179-4182 [View Page Images or PDF (671 kB)]
Chemical amplifier, self-ignition mechanism, and amoeboid cell migration
M. Schienbein and H. Gruler
pp. 4183-4197 [View Page Images or PDF (2,268 kB)]
Driven transport of fluid vesicles through narrow pores
G. Gompper and D. M. Kroll
pp. 4198-4208 [View Page Images or PDF (1,601 kB)]
Gaussian random energy model and Dyson’s model for the origin of metabolism
Dominique J. Bicout and Martin J. Field
pp. 4209-4216 [View Page Images or PDF (1,254 kB)]
Model simulations of DNA dynamics
Fei Zhang and Michael A. Collins
pp. 4217-4224 [View Page Images or PDF (1,405 kB)]
On-line learning in soft committee machines
David Saad and Sara A. Solla
pp. 4225-4243 [View Page Images or PDF (2,943 kB)]
Effect of vesicle size on the heat capacity anomaly at the gel to liquid-crystalline phase transition in unilamellar vesicles of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine
Hiromi Nagano, Tadashi Nakanishi, Haruhiko Yao, and Kenji Ema
pp. 4244-4250 [View Page Images or PDF (1,233 kB)]
Hydrodynamics and dynamic fluctuations of fluid membranes
Weicheng Cai and T. C. Lubensky
pp. 4251-4266 [View Page Images or PDF (2,443 kB)]

Plasma physics

Counterstreaming electrons and ions in Pierce-like diodes
Heidrun Kolinsky and Hans Schamel
pp. 4267-4280 [View Page Images or PDF (2,044 kB)]
Modified Fokker-Planck approach to steady-state distributions in plasmas
Jun Li and Yukap Hahn
pp. 4281-4286 [View Page Images or PDF (1,097 kB)]
Generalized relaxation theory and vortices in plasmas
Samuel R. Oliveira and Toshiki Tajima
pp. 4287-4293 [View Page Images or PDF (995 kB)]
Longitudinal and transverse diffusion coefficients for Li+ ion swarms in Kr gas
T. L. Tan, P. P. Ong, and M. M. Li
pp. 4294-4298 [View Page Images or PDF (795 kB)]
Electron-ion equilibration in a strongly coupled plasma
A. Ng, P. Celliers, G. Xu, and A. Forsman
pp. 4299-4310 [View Page Images or PDF (2,120 kB)]
Steady-state magnetic field in the Alfvén resonance region
S. Rauf and J. A. Tataronis
pp. 4311-4315 [View Page Images or PDF (727 kB)]
van der Pol behavior of relaxation oscillations in a periodically driven thermionic discharge
T. Klinger, F. Greiner, A. Rohde, A. Piel, and M. E. Koepke
pp. 4316-4327 [View Page Images or PDF (2,134 kB)]
C vi Lyman line profiles from 10-ps KrF-laser-produced plasmas
Y. Leng, J. Goldhar, H. R. Griem, and Richard W. Lee
pp. 4328-4337 [View Page Images or PDF (2,021 kB)]

Physics of beams

High-gradient acceleration of electrons in a plasma-loaded wiggler
V. Petrillo, C. Maroli, R. Bonifacio, and A. Serbeto
pp. 4338-4344 [View Page Images or PDF (974 kB)]
Schottky noise in a laser-cooled ion beam
V. A. Lebedev, J. S. Hangst, and J. S. Nielsen
pp. 4345-4353 [View Page Images or PDF (1,403 kB)]
Coupling impedances of small discontinuities: A general approach
Sergey S. Kurennoy, Robert L. Gluckstern, and Gennady V. Stupakov
pp. 4354-4360 [View Page Images or PDF (1,180 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Optical diffusion imaging using a direct inversion method
C. P. Gonatas, Masaru Ishii, John S. Leigh, and John C. Schotland
pp. 4361-4365 [View Page Images or PDF (1,035 kB)]
Cyclotron motion of two Coulombically interacting ion clouds with implications to Fourier-transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry
Dale W. Mitchell and Richard D. Smith
pp. 4366-4386 [View Page Images or PDF (3,894 kB)]
Focus wave mode solutions of the inhomogeneous n-dimensional scalar wave equation
P. L. Overfelt
pp. 4387-4392 [View Page Images or PDF (862 kB)]
Reversible axial segregation of rotating granular media
K. M. Hill and J. Kakalios
pp. 4393-4400 [View Page Images or PDF (2,092 kB)]
Nonlinear pulse propagation in twin-core-fiber rocking filters
W. E. P. Padden, C. Martijn de Sterke, and D. C. Psaila
pp. 4401-4409 [View Page Images or PDF (1,392 kB)]
Variational calculations for thermal combustion waves
R. D. Benguria, J. Cisternas, and M. C. Depassier
pp. 4410-4413 [View Page Images or PDF (488 kB)]
Dynamic stability of one-dimensional models of fracture
Emily S. C. Ching, J. S. Langer, and Hiizu Nakanishi
pp. 4414-4420 [View Page Images or PDF (949 kB)]
Diffraction-free field in a planar nonlinear waveguide
R. Horák, J. Bajer, M. Bertolotti, and C. Sibilia
pp. 4421-4429 [View Page Images or PDF (1,320 kB)]
Exact, E=0, classical solutions for general power-law potentials
Jamil Daboul and Michael Martin Nieto
pp. 4430-4441 [View Page Images or PDF (1,508 kB)]
Granular materials under vibration: Simulations of rotating spheres
S. Luding
pp. 4442-4457 [View Page Images or PDF (2,577 kB)]
Analysis of nonuniform gratings
Neil G. R. Broderick and C. Martijn de Sterke
pp. 4458-4464 [View Page Images or PDF (1,274 kB)]
Transition from stationary to traveling localized patterns in a two-dimensional reaction-diffusion system
P. Schütz, M. Bode, and V. V. Gafiichuk
pp. 4465-4473 [View Page Images or PDF (1,430 kB)]
Interaction of solitons with a strong inhomogeneity in a nonlinear optical fiber
Sergey Burtsev, D. J. Kaup, and Boris A. Malomed
pp. 4474-4481 [View Page Images or PDF (1,562 kB)]

Computational physics

Application of the central-particle-potential approximation for percolation in interacting systems
A. Drory, I. Balberg, and B. Berkowitz
pp. 4482-4494 [View Page Images or PDF (2,052 kB)]
Selective relaxation method for numerical solution of Schrödinger problems
Carlo Presilla and Ubaldo Tambini
pp. 4495-4498 [View Page Images or PDF (667 kB)]
Transition probability calculations for atoms using nonorthogonal orbitals
Jeppe Olsen, Michel R. Godefroid, Per Jönsson, Per Åke Malmqvist, and Charlotte Froese Fischer
pp. 4499-4508 [View Page Images or PDF (1,912 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

See Also: Erratum
Effect of symmetry breaking on two-dimensional random walks
P. Alpatov and L. E. Reichl
pp. 4516-4519 [View Page Images or PDF (549 kB)]
Critical behavior for the onset of type-III intermittency observed in an electronic circuit
Y. Ono, K. Fukushima, and T. Yazaki
pp. 4520-4522 [View Page Images or PDF (359 kB)]
Relaxation, noise-induced transitions, and stochastic resonance driven by non-Markovian dichotomic noise
A. Fuliński
pp. 4523-4526 [View Page Images or PDF (587 kB)]
Critical dynamics of the open Ising chain
J. Kamphorst Leal da Silva, Adriana G. Moreira, M. Silvério Soares, and F. C. Sá Barreto
pp. 4527-4528 [View Page Images or PDF (281 kB)]

Classical fluids

Cooperativity and hydrogen bond network lifetime in liquid water
R. Lamanna, G. Floridi, and S. Cannistraro
pp. 4529-4532 [View Page Images or PDF (722 kB)]
Free thermal convection driven by nonlocal effects
Jorge Ibsen, Rodrigo Soto, and Patricio Cordero
pp. 4533-4536 [View Page Images or PDF (655 kB)]
Large-scale properties of wave turbulence
E. Balkovsky, G. Falkovich, V. Lebedev, and I. Ya. Shapiro
pp. 4537-4540 [View Page Images or PDF (624 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Phase transitions in finite-thickness nematic liquid-crystal films: Planar anchoring
Natasha Kothekar, D. W. Allender, and R. M. Hornreich
pp. 4541-4544 [View Page Images or PDF (706 kB)]

Complex fluids, diffusion-limited aggregation, dendritic growth

Structure factors of binary fluids in a dilute gel
J. C. Lee
pp. 4545-4548 [View Page Images or PDF (852 kB)]
Addition polymerization in a nematic medium: Effects of an anisotropic solvent in a kinetic gelation model
Wei-Jou Chen and Shu-Hsia Chen
pp. 4549-4552 [View Page Images or PDF (552 kB)]
Dynamic determination of the dendritic growth direction within a complex-phase-field model
Royce Kam and Herbert Levine
pp. 4553-4556 [View Page Images or PDF (686 kB)]

Biological physics

Maximum entropy, pseudoinverse techniques, and time series predictions with layered networks
L. Diambra and A. Plastino
pp. 4557-4560 [View Page Images or PDF (639 kB)]
Statistical mechanics of neocortical interactions: Constraints on 40-Hz models of short-term memory
Lester Ingber
pp. 4561-4563 [View Page Images or PDF (652 kB)]

Plasma physics

Self-sustained plasma waveguide structures produced by ionizing laser radiation in a dense gas
D. Anderson, A. V. Kim, M. Lisak, V. A. Mironov, A. M. Sergeev, and L. Stenflo
pp. 4564-4567 [View Page Images or PDF (881 kB)]
Spherical ion kinetic simulations of DT implosions
F. Vidal, J. P. Matte, M. Casanova, and O. Larroche
pp. 4568-4571 [View Page Images or PDF (903 kB)]
Electron collisionless layers near evaporating plasma-heated anodes
Russell G. Keanini
pp. 4572-4575 [View Page Images or PDF (640 kB)]

Physics of beams

Phase problem associated with the determination of the longitudinal shape of a charged particle bunch from its coherent far-ir spectrum
R. Lai and A. J. Sievers
pp. 4576-4579 [View Page Images or PDF (674 kB)]


Comment on ‘‘Oscillation mode and ‘nonlinear’ radiation of the double sine-Gordon 2π kink’’
J. A. Hołyst and H. Benner
pp. 4583-4584 [View Page Images or PDF (187 kB)]
Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Oscillation mode and ‘‘nonlinear’’ radiation of the double sine-Gordon 2π kink’ ’’
E. Majerníková
pp. 4585 [View Page Images or PDF (129 kB)]


Erratum: α-particle transport-driven current in tokamaks
J. A. Heikkinen and S. K. Sipilä
pp. 4586 [View Page Images or PDF (82 kB)]